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What Roles Exist in the Field of Cybersecurity and What Are Your Options?

At the end of the first decade of the 21st century, the world of technology and communication underwent enormous and rapid changes. The internet became an inseparable part of our lives, and digital communication became routine and fast. With the development of technology, cyber threats and computer attacks also grew and spread.


In recent years, the field of cybersecurity has become critical and vital for every industry and organization in the modern age. Computer attacks, data theft, phishing, and digital threats constitute focused and persistent threats on our information and communication systems in every organization, business, and industry. In an era where almost all activities and processes are conducted through computer systems and communication networks, cybersecurity has become central to safeguarding our information and privacy.


What roles exist in the cybersecurity field in the local and international markets?

The roles in the cybersecurity field in the Israeli and international markets are similar, with the same division between managerial and technical roles. This article will focus on the most common and central roles in the cybersecurity field.


Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

The CISO is responsible for all aspects of an organization’s technological information security. It is a role of great significance as cybersecurity has become a regulatory area for many companies. For example, banks are required to protect customer privacy, with clear guidelines on what is allowed and what is not. Another example is healthcare management with respect to preserving patients’ privacy. These guidelines must be adhered to, and entities that do not comply are exposing themselves to penalties.

The CISO must be familiar with all definitions and standards and ensure that their organization is in a good place logistically. They do not define the firewall or instruct the implementation of it, but their role is to ensure the organizational cyber methodology. The CISO has a team of technical personnel who implement their directives.


Security Operation Center (SOC)

The SOC relies on receiving information from various points in the organization to determine whether or not there is a cyber-attack. For example, when information is received about an external address attempting to access the system and failing, this monitoring will assist the SOC in understanding whether or not it is an attack.


Cyber Code Testers

The testers who check if the code is written securely, emphasizing what should have been checked and what hasn’t been tested. They are cybersecurity-focused code testers who know where the code issues lie that could compromise security.


Pen Tester

The role of the Pen Tester is to conduct penetration tests. The tests are used to assess the security level of the organization’s systems, applications, mobile services, infrastructure, and more. The goal of these resilience tests is to identify system weaknesses and, of course, recommend repair options. During the test, the examiner aims to simulate the efforts of an attempted system breach in order to make the best informed decisions for prevention.


Security Operations

The security operations team are tasked with ensuring the technological systems of the company are secure. For example, if a decision is made to implement a new system within the organization, this team needs to ensure the system is secure, cannot be breached, and is not exposed to sensitive information. They ensure that usernames and passwords are secure enough, add additional protection when needed, and more. Their role is similar to that of an IT team, but with very clear features of cyber and defense.


Is there demand for cybersecurity professionals in the market?

Yes, there is a high demand for cybersecurity professionals in the modern age. With the rise of technology and the proliferation of the internet, the risk of cyber-attacks and breaches of privacy and information security has also grown. Companies, countries, and organizations are aware that they need to protect their systems from external threats, hence the need for cybersecurity experts in any organization today.

Cybersecurity professionals are valued for their ability to identify threats and attacks, develop and implement advanced information security, and function as leaders in the cybersecurity field. In every industry and position related to computer systems and communication, there is a need for cyber experts. IT professionals today are often expected to have a basic understanding of the cyber world as many companies expect their IT personnel to have a basic grasp of cybersecurity to ensure tasks are done well and securely.


Is the field of cybersecurity intensive?

It depends on the role. There are cybersecurity roles that require shift work. These roles are particularly suitable to students who need to balance work with their studies, or for those at the beginning of their careers. In cybersecurity, unlike in development, there is often a need to respond efficiently to situations especially when a company simply cannot function without a proper solution. In these instances, a cybersecurity professional could find themselves working around the clock to provide a solution.


Research roles are much more flexible than SOC roles, where individuals need to be present, monitor threats, and function under pressure. In research positions, the focus is on extracting insights for a specific line of work.


Where can one progress to in the cybersecurity field, and is it a versatile field?

The field of cybersecurity is highly versatile, as previously mentioned. It encompasses a wide variety of roles that you can perform according to your advancement. The roles in the field are divided into managerial and technical positions, so you can always advance to management, become a company CTO, etc. There is also the option to transition between roles with different focuses. For example, from working in a position protecting systems and then moving to a role that develops cybersecurity automation.


What are the salaries of cybersecurity professionals compared to other technical roles?


What are the salaries of cybersecurity professionals compared to other technical roles?

If we compare the salary of a cybersecurity professional to other technical roles, such as software development, the salary ceiling for a cybersecurity expert is higher. It is important to note that there is intense competition for every position so candidates will need to negotiate their salaries. When a cybersecurity professional advances and becomes a consultant or architect, their salary can reach higher levels than developers.

The field of cybersecurity has become crucial in every industry and organization in the modern age. To integrate into the field, there are a wide range of professions to work in, and the options to advance in the cybersecurity field are very extensive.


For more help or information >> Cyber Research Experts Program

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